22 June 2016

Digitising European Industry – Reaping the full benefits of a Digital Single Market

Date of Publication: 2016

Achieving a Digital Single Market (DSM) in Europe is a prerequisite for attracting investment in digital
innovations and for faster business growth in the digital economy. This Communication introduces a
set of coherent policy measures as part of a DSM technologies and public services modernisation
package. The package includes an additional three Communications The Communication explains
how the various measures relate to each other. It also aims to establish a framework for
coordination between national and EU-level initiatives in this area and relevant policy actions
including investments in digital innovations and infrastructure, accelerating the development of ICT
standards, exploring regulatory conditions and adaptation of the workforce, including up-skilling. [View resource]

Digitising European Industry – Reaping the full benefits of a Digital Single Market Read More »

Entrepreneurial intelligence: Expanding Schwab’s four-type intelligenceproposition to meaningfully address the challenges of the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Authors: Oosthuizen J.H
Date of Publication: 2016

The paper argues that humanity finds itself at the dawn of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). The
introduction of new business models, the disruption of incumbents and the reshaping of production,
consumption, transportation and delivery systems are evidence of profound changes taking place
across industries. The velocity, breadth, depth, and impact of the changes are unlike those
previously experienced. From the premise of these challenges and opportunities Schwab (2016)
propagated a 4-type intelligence proposition (contextual-, emotional-, inspired-, and physical
intelligence) to be applied so as to adapt and harness the potential of disruption. Applying critical
interpretive synthesis, this paper argues the lack of a disposition type of intelligence in Schwab’s
proposition and proposes its expansion to include entrepreneurial intelligence, thereby increasing
the potential of realisation, impact and value creating solutions. [View resource]

Entrepreneurial intelligence: Expanding Schwab’s four-type intelligenceproposition to meaningfully address the challenges of the Fourth Industrial Revolution Read More »

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