2023 – Journal Articles and Book Chapters
- Abigail Osiki (co-authored) ‘The First 100 Days of Covid-19: Law and Political Economy of the Global Policy Response’ in Stojanović, A., Scarcella, L., Mosalagae, C.R. Nigeria’s Political, Economic, and Social Dynamics in a Pandemic Era (2023) Springer.
- Debbie Collier ‘The Employment Equity Amendment Bill B14B – 2020: Innovating towards Equity or Kicking the Can down the Road?’ (2023) 44 ILJ 1 – 27
- Debbie Collier (co-authored) ‘High heels in the workplace – a health hazard or a symbol of femininity? Observations on appearance regulation in Mofokeng v CCMA & Others (2022) 43 ILJ 2531 (LC) 2023 (44) ILJ 82 – 91
- Debbie Collier ‘Amendements de la loi sur l’équité en matière d’emploi en Afrique du Sud : à côté de la cible!’, Revue de droit comparé du travail et de la sécurité sociale’ 158 – 163 ( ; DOI :
- Osiki, Abigail, et al. “COVID-19 pandemic, a war to win: assessing its impact on the domestic work sector in Nigeria.” Labour and Industry (2023): 1-22.
2023 – White Papers, Policy, Conference Proceedings and Research Reports
- Debbie Collier and Ratula Beukes, ‘Strategies for decent work and sustainable development in the tobacco sector in Malawi: Legal, Conceptual, and Practical Tools for Stakeholders’ (2023) ILO ADDRESS project, ILO Country Office for Malawi (55 pages)
2022 – Books (included edited and co-authored)
- Tindara Addabbo, Edoardo Ales, Ylenia, Curzi Tommaso, Fabbri Olga Rymkevich, Iacopo Senatori (eds) Defining and Protecting Autonomous Work: A Multidisciplinary Approach (2022) Palgrave Macmillan / Springer Nature; Switzerland.
- C Thompson and P Benjamin South African Labour Law (Juta, update service) – Revision Service 79 – December 2022.
2022 – Journal Articles and Book Chapters
- Edoardo Ales ‘Genuine Autonomous Work: Toward a Tailor-Made Social Protection’, chapter in Tindara Addabbo, Edoardo Ales, Ylenia, Curzi Tommaso, Fabbri Olga Rymkevich, Iacopo Senatori (eds) Defining and Protecting Autonomous Work: A Multidisciplinary Approach (2022) Palgrave Macmillan / Springer Nature; Switzerland.
- Darcy du Toit and Kelly Howson ‘Protecting Platform Workers: Options and Challenges’ (2022) 43 ILJ 711.
- Darcy du Toit ‘La tutela dei diritti dei lavoratori domestici e di cura: verso un nuovo paradigma’ (‘The protection of the rights of domestic and care workers: towards a new paradigm’) in Lilli Casano (ed) Verso un mercato del lavoro di cura? Questioni giuridiche e nodi istituzionali, (2022) ADAPT University Press.
- Osiki Abigail “Scope of Protection: A retrospective and prospective overview of the Protected Disclosure Act 2000” (2022) (4) Journal of Comparative Labour and Social Security Law Review 145.
- Osiki Abigail “The impact of socio-legal inequality on women in the Nigerian domestic work sector” (2022) (26) Law, Democracy & Development 48-83.
- Abigail Osiki ‘Facilitating Decent Work: The Case of Domestic Workers in Nigeria (2022) 43 ILJ 726.
- Fairuz Mullagee, Nitya Nangalia and Salonie Muralidhara Hinyur, ‘Domestic work and platformisation in India and South Africa: a look at enablers and barriers’ in Olivia Blanchard, Carina Lopes and Patrick Devaney (eds) Global perspectives on women, work, and digital labour platforms: A collection of articles from around the world on women’s experiences of digital labour platforms (Digital Future Society 2022) at
2022 – White Papers, Policy, Conference Proceedings and Research Reports
- Darcy du Toit, participant in the International Law Association, White Paper 23 The Future of Labour Law (2023) published at
2021 – Journal Articles and Book Chapters
- Darcy du Toit ‘Discrimination on an ‘Arbitrary Ground’ and the Right of Access to Justice’ (2021) 42 ILJ 1.
- Fredman, Sandra, Darcy du Toit, Mark Graham, Aradhana Cherupara Vadekkethil, Gautam Bhatia, and Alessio Bertolini. “International Regulation of Platform Labor: A Proposal for Action.” Weizenbaum Journal of the Digital Society 1, no. 1 (2021): w1-1.
- Englert, Sai, Mark Graham, Sandra Fredman, Darcy du Toit, Adam Badger, Richard Heeks, and Jean-Paul Van Belle. “Workers, platforms and the state: The struggle over digital labour platform regulation.” In A Modern Guide To Labour and the Platform Economy, pp. 162-176. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2021.